
About Us

Brisanet was founded by the autodidact José Roberto Nogueira, in 1998, in the city of Pereiro, in the semi-arid region of Ceará. The company was founded with the purpose of bringing quality and affordable Internet to cities without access. In 2000, as a result of the expansion of its business, the company's operations already included several cities in the state of Ceará, such as Pereiro, Jaguaribe, Icó, and Limoeiro do Norte, and in Rio Grande do Norte, such as São Miguel and Pau dos Ferros. In 2005, the partner-directors João Paulo Estevam and Jordão Estevam joined the company's management, both being important elements for the expansion project.

In 2010, Brisanet was already the largest radio internet operator in Brazil, serving more than 30,000 customers in 150 cities in the countryside of the Northeastern region of Brazil. In order to keep up with the company's expansion, the managers saw fiber optics as a way to provide more connectivity and started studying the new technology. In 2011, Brisanet started the implementation of the new resource in Pau dos Ferros (RN), becoming the first city in Brazil to be 100% served with fiber optic technology. After the successful operation, the company was able to expand its services through fiber, and started investing in the transmission of TV and landline telephone signals.

According to the current ranking of the Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel - Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações), Brisanet is the leading broadband internet in satisfaction in Brazil, also reaching the highest score in all states where it was evaluated: Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte. Nowadays, the company operates as an internet provider via fiber optics, pay TV, music streaming, fixed and mobile telephony, thus serving about 300 municipalities in the Northeast of Brazil and totaling more than 1,000,000 subscribers, with a network structure established in its own fiber optic digital belt.

Last Updated on July 11, 2022